Every week you will be scheduled to attend at least one of the following clinics below. You will be attending clinic for a half day (full day for IDFC). Your paired attending may or may not let you take the lead on the clinic visit, but please prepare to see all of the patients in case you do have to take lead.

Clinic Note Expectations

You are to write up one clinic note for each day you attend clinic and submit it to both your paired attending and Dr. Emily Myers by end of day. This does not have to be completed/submitted by the end of the visit. Note that you only need to write up a clinic note on one patient visit for each clinic day rather than one note for every patient visit. By the end of the week, you should have written/submitted 1-4 clinic notes.

If the attending permits you to take the lead on a clinic visit, you are to write up a clinic note for the visit you took lead on.

If you are just observing for all of the clinic visits that day, you are still expected to write up one clinic note for any of the visits you observed.

Please do not enter the clinic note into EPIC and instead draft it into the Word Doc provided in the email/Outlook reminders. The clinic note template can also be found below. Send the Word Doc to your paired attending and Dr. Emily Myers to provide feedback.


Children’s Autism Center (CAC)
SCH NDV Clinic

Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Clinic (CNC)


Child Development Clinic (CDC)
Infant Development Follow-Up Clinic (IDFC)
SCH NDV Clinic

PEARL Clinic
SCH NDV Clinic