Welcome to your Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Rotation!

Before Rotation

1. Fill out the Trainee Registration Form

Under “CHDD Training Program” please select “CTU/LEND
For “Supervising Faculty”, please choose “Emily Myers
Please email Charice once you have completed the form with the subject line “I CONFIRM” to confirm you’ve completed the form
Please contact Nan Ringera or Charice if you have any questions

2. Email Dr. Emily Myers or Charice Espiritu of any pre-arranged activity that prevents you from participating in scheduled activities (i.e. doctor’s appointments, clinical shifts, training)

A minimum of 16 days (32 half days) required in order for program completion
ACGME Requirements Here (page 28)

3. Review Development Rotation Expectations and explore the website


During Rotation

1. Continue to email Dr. Emily Myers or Charice if there are any circumstances that prevent you from participating in a scheduled activity. Reminder: a minimum of 16 days on rotation is required

2. Fill out evaluation forms after each Guided Learning Session (click here)


After Rotation

1. Make sure you have completed the following:

the Keystones of Development modules (click here)
Speaker evaluation forms for Guided Learning Sessions (click here)
Any outstanding clinic note templates


For any questions, feel free to contact Dr. Emily Myers (emily.myers@seattlechildrens.org) or Charice Espiritu (charice.espiritu@seattlechildrens.org)