Finding a DBT Therapist

Locally (WA State)

Our clinic provides care to clients across the state of Washington. When our services are full, we are happy to pass along a list of other DBT providers in the Greater Seattle area, please email for our referral list. Please note that we do not formally endorse any particular DBT therapists or programs, including those on our referral list.

Outside of WA State

We recommend beginning your search for a DBT therapist with the directories compiled by the DBT-Linehan Board of Certification. The DBT-LBC provides two separate directories: one for individual certified clinicians and one for certified DBT programs. You will find DBT-LBC certified clinicians in most US states as well as in Canada, the United Kingdom, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Jordan, Spain, Malaysia, the Netherlands, and Italy.

There are many competent DBT therapists who may not yet be certified by the DBT-LBC. The DBT-LBC recommends asking the following questions to determine if a therapist/program is offering true evidence-based DBT:

  1. Are you or your program certified by the DBT-LBC™?
  2. Do you provide DBT treatment?
  3. What was your training for providing DBT?
  4. Do you provide both the individual therapy component of DBT and the skills component?
  5. If so, is the skills training offered in a group setting and how long does group last each week?
  6. How long does your program take to complete 1 cycle of skills training?
  7. Do you allow a client/family to complete the skills training curriculum 2 times?
  8. Is continued participation in your DBT services based on some type of ongoing assessment of symptom improvement?
  9. Do you provide phone coaching between sessions as needed? Are there any limits placed on phone calls or between session contacts?
  10. Do you belong to a consultation team that meets weekly and includes only other DBT trained therapists?
  11. Do you use a daily diary card?
  12. What adaptations have you made to the research supported methods of providing DBT? Why were those adaptations necessary?