Spinning Detonation
Spinning detonation is a phenomenon where a detonation-front induced by a shock spins spontaneously in a tube. Since this is a limit of detonation, it is an area of crucial importance for safety and security.
Spinning detonation is closely related to continuous detonation. The only major difference is that in spinning detonation a plane shock propagating axial coexists with transverse shocks. Numerical simulations conducted at ENSMA have been investigated from gas dynamic point of view. The results revealed that the flow reverses its swirl Flow Reversal in Spinning Detonation, which involves important implications related to thrust generation.
A theoretical model for spinning detonation has also been constructed, by which the mechanism of spin has been pinned down as the coupling between the reaction and acoustic waves.
Continuous Detonation
One of the current interests in the hypersonic propulsion system is the detonation engines which offer significant advantage in cycle efficiency. Past development in detonation engines has mainly focused on pulsed detonation engines (PDE), where intermittent 1-D combustion across a shock propagating in a tube is made feasible by complicated valving arrangement. Continuous detonation engines (CDE) have marked advantage over PDE in that combustion occurs across a shock wave spinning continuously along the circumference of the tube, thus eliminating valves. In addition, CDE can replace high pressure compressor stages. CDE is envisioned to be used between Mach 2 and 4+, filling a gap between gas turbine engine and scramjet. Both theoretical and experimental investigations are being carried out by Mitsuru Kurosaka and Carl Knowlen.