April 28, 2019
BSE in the spotlight for Engineering Discovery Days
Heather, Sheila and several undergraduate students did a fantastic job representing our BSE program at the 2019 UW Engineering Discovery Days and took the spotlight on TV for teaching kids from the Seattle area how to make paper from wood pulp and carbon nanomaterials with sugar-free gummy bears. Check it out!
April 3, 2019
BSE undergraduates receive JARL prize at the Alaska Environmental Innovation Challenge
Essance, Grace, Dylan, Nozomi, Tyler, Yossi, and Zach received $1,000 Judges Also Really Liked award for their capstone project on the development of nanocellulose-reinforced 3D printing filament using a zero-waste manufacturing process. Congrats NanoPrint team!
August 17, 2018
Our research highlighted in various media!
Our article entitled “Preparation of shape memory cellulose nanofibril aerogels decorated with Pd nanoparticles and their application in dye discoloration” has been reported in the following media and many others!
June 11, 2018
Celebrating our new graduates!
With the end of Spring quarter, we are celebrating our new graduates: congrats to our undergraduates Sydney, Demi, and Josiah for their BS in Bioresource Science & Engineering, as well as Nuozhou for his BS in Environmental Science & Resource Management. Big congratulations to Sheila and Heather for obtaining their MS, and to Bingliang for…
May 18, 2018
Amy and Sydney present at the UW Undergraduate Research Symposium
During the 2018 URS meeting, Amy presented her work on Sustainable Graphene Aerogels with Controlled Porosity, while Sydney introduced her research about the Synthesis of Graphene Oxide Quantum Dots from Biochar.
May 7, 2018
Congratulations to Sheila for successfully defending her MS thesis!
First graduate of the group: Sheila Goodman successfully defends her thesis on Sustainable Nanomaterials for Water Remediation. Congratulations!
April 21, 2018
UW Engineering Discovery Days
During the 2018 Engineering Discovery Days, our lab members introduced concepts related to green chemistry for the sustainable production of fuels and chemicals to younger students. For instance, Amy demonstrated how to make paper from various types of biomass, while Sheila used candies to illustrate how carbon nanomaterials can be applied for water purification!
April 13, 2018
Guest Lecture at the French American School of Puget Sound
Prof. Anthony Dichiara presented his research on nanomaterials and their possible sustainable development applications at the French American School of Puget Sound within the scope of the STEAM workshop. Students were introduced to the scientific method and scientific research, as well as to problems that arise with the consumption of our natural resources.
April 3, 2018
BSE undergaduates receive the $15,000 Wells Fargo prize. Congrats!
Kaitlin, Maika, and Simon win the grand prize at the Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation for their biodegradable planter pots made from biomass waste like spent beer grains. Great job!
March 29, 2018
Sydney wins travel grant to attend PaperCon in Charlotte, NC. Congrats!
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