ESRM190: Digital Earth

Meet the Instructors

This course was co-developed and co-instructed by Dr. Halabisky and Dr. Moskal in the summer of 2019, it was first offered by the co-teaching team in Summer 2020, starting Spring 2022 the course is by Prof. Moskal and a Teaching Assistant.

Dr. Meghan Halabisky  (she/her) is a landscape ecologist, conservation biologist, and remote sensing scientist with a background in GISciences, environmental policy, and conservation management who works in the UW/PFC Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis Laboratory (RSGAL). Her research interests lie in understanding historic and future changes to ecosystem dynamics  across spatial scales through the development, integration and application of high-resolution remote sensing tools. Meghan got her dual MSc degree in School of Environmental and Forest Sciences (SEFS) and Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, and her PhD in SEFS with Dr. Moskal. Dr. Halabisky will lead the lab sections of this course.

Prof. L. Monika Moskal  (she/her) Prof. Moskal specializes in Remote Sensing and Earth Observation at the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences (SEFS), within the College of the Environment, at the University of Washington, Seattle and serves as the Director of the Precision Forestry Cooperative (PFC), which also houses her Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis Laboratory (RSGAL). She is affiliated with the UW Interdisciplinary PhD Program and the UW Department of Geography. To learn more about Prof. Moskal in a less formal format watch my recent SEFS Seminars Talk.