FHL Weather Station

FHL Weather Data

Weather Station

Weather Station

In June 2006, the Carrington lab installed a Campbell Scientific Weather Station at Cantilever Point on the FHL campus. We added underwater sensors (-1.7 m below MLLW) from 2010-2016. Temperature loggers have also been deployed along a vertical transect (20ft to 80ft) by the Sebens lab since 2006. Each parameter monitored by the weather station is listed below with the corresponding unit of measurement and instrument.
Parameter Unit of Measurement Instrument
Rainfall mm Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge (Texas Electronics)
Total Radiation (solar + sky) W m-2 Net Radiometer (REBS)
Solar Radiation W m-2 Pyranometer (LI200X)
Solar Radiation PAR (μmol m-2 s-1) Quantum Sensor (LICOR)
Wind Speed m s-1 Wind Monitor: propeller & vane (R.M. Young Wind Monitors)
Wind Direction Degrees (relative to true N)
Relative Humidity % Air Temp and Humidity Probe (PRT and Vaisala HUMICAP 180)
Air Temperature oC
Wind Chill oC
Intertidal Temperature oC Thermocouple Wire
Seawater Temperature oC Thermistor (SeaBird Microcat)
Seawater Temperature at Depth (20ft to 80ft) oC Thermocouple (Onset Hobo Temp Loggers)
Seawater Salinity PSU Conductivity meter (SeaBird Microcat)
Seawater pH pH units Field-effect pH meter (Honeywell Durafet III)
Underwater Radiation PAR (μmol m-2 s-1) Integrating Sphere (LICOR)
Click here to go directly to the weather station data. This link will take you to the Vista Data Vision data browser. From here choose a site and page (see below for list). Note that verified data have been checked for errors.


Active Instruments (real-time data stream)

FHL Main Tower (archived at bco-dmo.org here)

Air temperature, Wind, Relative Humidity, Rainfall,

Solar Radiation (PAR, Energy, Total)


Inactive Instruments

Underwater (Feb 2010- Sept 2016, archived at bco-dmo.org here)

Temperature, salinity, and conductivity


Pumphouse A (unverified only)

Temperature Models: Snails

Pumphouse B (unverified only)

Temperature Models: Barnacle

Shady Cove

Pumphouse Temp along depth transect (20-80 ft)

White Sign