Refer a Patient
To refer a patient for possible ECMO support:
Call the Transfer Center 24 hours a day at 1-800-520-7575 and say you would like to refer a patient for ECMO.
If possible, call prior to cannulation to discuss your patient.
Currently serving: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming.
Information to have ready prior to call
Please have the following information ready for the conference call with the ECMO physician at UW Medicine:
- Height & weight: ***
- Brief history of present illness and diagnosis: ***
- Relevant past medical history: ***
- Last vital signs: Heart Rate (pacer?) ***, Blood Pressure ***, SpO2 ***
- Last ABG: pH*** PaCO2 *** PaO2: *** HCO3: *** (on *** FiO2)
- Ventilator settings: Rate ***, Tidal volume or inspiratory pressure ***, FiO2% ***, PEEP ***, plateau pressure (if on volume control) ***
- Duration of plateau pressures > 30 (days? hours?): ***
- ARDS therapies: Prone Y/N, Paralytics Y/N, Inhaled vasodilators Y/N, esophageal balloon Y/N
- Vasoactive medications and doses: ***
- Other infusions running: ***
- Non-pulmonary organ failure/injury (kidney, liver, brain)? ***
- Last neurologic exam? ***
- Bleeding/ coagulopathy? Y/N
- Recent cardiac arrest? Y/N
- Results of echocardiogram: ***
- Current lines, tubes, and drains: ***
UW Medicine Indications and Contraindications for ECMO
Indications for VA ECMO support
- Cardiogenic shock (ie. ACS, myocarditis, acute decompensated heart failure)
- Advanced respiratory failure with associated circulatory failure
- Massive pulmonary embolism
- Post-cardiotomy failure
- Primary cardiac allograft dysfunction
- Peri-procedural support
Absolute Contraindications – VA ECMO
- Acute aortic dissection
- Advanced cancer
- Significant irreversible neurological injury
- Chronic end-stage renal disease on dialysis
Relative Contraindications – VA ECMO
- Irreversible heart failure ineligible for transplant, durable VAD, or total artificial heart (TAH)
- Irreversible acute multi-organ failure with high probability of death whether or not ECMO is utilized
- Pulmonary hypertension not secondary to left heart disease.
- Advanced age >75 years
- Severe coagulopathy
- Refractory vasoplegic shock without low cardiac output state
- Cardiac arrest with CPR >60 min prior to commencement of ECMO
Indications for VV ECMO support
- Severe acute hypoxemic respiratory failure/ARDS (P/F <100) despite optimal conventional medical therapy
- Severe reversible hypercarbic respiratory failure (pH <7.2)
- Acute respiratory failure in patients actively listed for lung transplantation
- Severe primary graft dysfunction following lung transplantation
Absolute Contraindications – VV ECMO
- Advanced cancer
- Significant irreversible neurological injury
Relative Contraindications – VV ECMO
- ARDS with prolonged high level mechanical ventilatory support (>7-10 days)*
- Irreversible pulmonary failure ineligible for transplant (patients with chronic lung disease must be listed for transplant prior to ECMOinitiation if plan is for bridge to lung transplant)
- Irreversible acute multi-organ failure with high probability of death whether or not ECMO is utilized
- Severe pulmonary hypertension
- Advanced age >75 years
- Severe coagulopathy
- Cardiogenic or obstructive shock (consider VA ECMO) or refractory septic shock
*We encourage early referral of ECMO support for respiratory failure not responding to optimal medical therapy
Transport Instructions Checklist
We’ve created a helpful checklist for referring hospitals