Project EMAR

November 5, 2017

Project EMAR: Design Challenge Deliverables are Taking Shape!


The teams are working together to decide on a cohesive look (colors, fonts, etc) for the various artifacts involved in the Design Challenge, such as the website, instructional videos, posters and publicity. Here’s a peek at how each team has been working hard to bring their deliverables to life:

Team Video  

At our last group meeting Team Video revealed that they have chosen a platform, Rawshorts, and they are happy with it. They also debuted a sample from the videos they’ve been working on. The team has been:

  • Giving each other feedback on storyboards
  • Incorporating the feedback into new iterations
  • Working on content for the new videos that were added
  • Unifying videos to make them all cohesive
  • Working on choosing a voice for the narrative content


A section of a storyboard for the user centered design process

Team Website

Team Website has made some exciting progress because we now have a working UW website for the Design Challenge that is ready to be filled with content!

The team has been:

  • Sharing mood boards with the video team
  • Finalizing the information architecture
  • Iterating content for the website
  • Striving to convey a “friendly” and “open” feel for the site beginning with colors

Here’s a look at the color palette that has been chosen:

Team Social Media

Team Social Media has been continuing to spread the word about Project EMAR through blogging, Twitter and Facebook. The team is very excited about getting the UW domain name, “DesignMe,” because the branding of the High School Design Challenge has begun to blossom from this title. The team also hopes to continue the design challenge in future years, thus the name reflects that larger idea. The team came up with the tagline, “The next generation is in your hands,” during a brainstorming session in our group meeting this week. The title and tagline will also be integrated into the website and other design materials.


Concept sketch from our brainstorming session for an early draft of the visuals for the poster

Team Social Media also worked on securing the High School Design Challenge event venue during this past week and will add the event to the UW calendar as soon as all details are determined.

Stay tuned for more progress updates and a sneak peek at EMAR V4!