Project EMAR

March 17, 2018

The Design Challenge Showcase


7 DAYS!!!!!

The countdown begins for the Social Robot Design Challenge Showcase. Seven Puget Sound high school teams have been mentored by 15 UW students to prepare for this day. The teens have worked hard to prepare to show their robot design ideas on Saturday, March 24th. They’ve done research, built prototypes, and conducted tests using human centered design.

Showcasing their designs at UW

On March, 24th, seven local area schools will port their prototype designs all the way to UW to share them with local technology panelists from UW, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. Panelists are excited to see how teens have designed a social robot to help them with stress..

Maya Cakmak – UW

Guy Hoffman – Cornell University

Sean Andrist – Microsoft

Sures Kumar – Google

Eva Hoerth – VR Design Research

Other social robots will be attending the Showcase ready to interact with teens. This is a free and FUN, public event drawing teens and families from all over the Seattle area.

Join us!!

See our event page on Facebook – RSVP here

March 24 from 3-5pm in the Lyceum room on the first floor of the Husky Union Building (the HUB).

To learn more about the what and why of the challenge, check out the Design Challenge website.