English GSO

GSO Leadership

Abygail Gutierrez | Diversity Committee Rep
Hamza Ahmad | Web Communications Officer and Diversity Committee

Hunter Little | GSC Rep

Hunter Little (she/her) is a graduate student on the language and rhetoric track studying rhetorics of mental and psychiatric disability and the usefulness of applying intersectional disability research frameworks in the first-year composition classroom. As someone who is both mentally and physically disabled, she is passionate about disability justice for all students and making the university more receptive to the disruptive potential of disability broadly and within the classroom. Hunter grew up in rural Indiana and received her M.F.A. in creative writing with a focus in poetry from Western Kentucky University. She has a passion for painting, baking, laughter, discovering new music, and identifying backyard birds.

Jacob Wilson |Undergraduate Education Committee Rep

Jacob Wilson is a Ph.D student of English at the University of Washington studying the rhetorical practices of political economy, critical theory, and collective resistance. This is his first year in the GSO. He is also an Assistant Director for the Program in Writing and Rhetoric at UW and his teaching centers critical approaches to the teaching of writing to orient students to the ways writing can be used toward critical ends.

Jennifer Baker|Undergraduate Education Committee Rep

Jennie Baker is a second-year PhD student in Literature and Culture. In the GSO, they serve on the hybrid pedagogy committee. Their research concerns the ways race, gender, and dis/ability condition discourses of being human in relations with technology.

Molly Porter | GSC Rep