English GSO

GSO Working Bylaws 2021

English Graduate Student Organization Constitution


Article I – Official Designation

Section 1 – Name

The name of this organization shall be the English Graduate Student Organization (hereinafter referred to as “the GSO” or “the organization”).


Article II – Purpose

Section 1 – Object

It shall be the purpose of the GSO to represent the interests of graduate students within the English Department at the University of Washington.


Article III – Affiliations

Section 1 – Object

The English Graduate Student Organization is not affiliated with any other organizations.


Article IV  – Membership, Representation, and Voting Privileges

Section 1 – Membership

The membership of the GSO shall be comprised of all matriculated graduate students in the Department of English MA/PhD, MFA, and MATESOL programs at the University of Washington.

Section 2 – Representation

The GSO shall be represented by an elected Officer Committee.

Section 3 – Voting Privileges

Only those members who are currently registered at the University of Washington shall have voting privileges.


Article V – Officer Committee

Section 1 – Members 

The Officer Committee members of the GSO shall consist of:

  1. Officers-at-Large
    1. There shall be up to four (4) officers-at-large;
  2. Graduate Studies Committee (hereinafter “the GSC”) representatives
    1. There shall be one pre- and one post-exam representative.
  3. Undergraduate Education Committee (hereinafter “the UEC”) representatives
    1. There shall be one pre- and one post-exam representative.
  4. Diversity Committee (hereinafter “the DivC”) representatives.
    1. There shall be one pre- and one post-exam representative.
  5. Web Communications
  6. Event Coordinator
  7. MFA Program Representative
    1. There shall be one representative
  8. MATESOL Program Representative
    1. There shall be one representative

Section 2 – Function

  1. The purpose of the Officer Committee shall be to:
  1. Represent the interests of the graduate student members of the department;
  2. Facilitate communication between the department administration and graduate students;
  3. Organize events and activities for the benefit of the graduate students.

Section 3 – Duties of the Committee Members

  1. The common duties of all voting members of the Officer Committee shall be to:
    1. Preside over GSO Officer Committee meetings;
    2. Meet with the Director of Graduate Studies and Department Chair once per quarter;
    3. Oversee the election of the GSO Officer Committee;
    4. Oversee the organization of activities, events, and projects for the benefit of members of the GSO;
    5. Commission sub-committees as necessary;
    6. Serve as a general point of contact for graduate students within the department.
  2. The duties of the Officers-at-Large shall be to:
    1. Organize activities, events, and projects for the benefit of members of the GSO;
    2. Serve as a point-of-contact for graduate students within the department;
    3. Facilitate sub-committees as necessary.
  3. The duties of the Graduate Studies Committee (GSC) representatives shall be to:
    1. Attend all unreserved meetings of the GSC;
    2. Represent the interests of the graduate students at GSC meetings;
    3. Attend, when appropriate, unreserved faculty meetings that deal with GSC matters;
    4. Communicate decisions of the GSC (as appropriate) to the Officer Committee.
  4. The duties of the Undergraduate Education Committee (UEC) representatives shall be to:
    1. Attend all unreserved meetings of the UEC;
    2. Represent the interests of the graduate students at UEC meetings;
    3. Attend, when appropriate, unreserved faculty meetings that deal with UEC matters;
    4. Communicate decisions of the UEC (as appropriate) to the Officer Committee.
  5. The duties of the Diversity Committee (DivC) representatives shall be to:
    1. Attend all unreserved meetings of the DivC;
    2. Represent the interests of the graduate students at DivC meetings;
    3. Attend, when appropriate, unreserved faculty meetings that deal with DivC matters;
    4. Communicate decisions of the DivC (as appropriate) to the Officer Committee;
  6. The duties of the Web Communications Officer shall be to:
    1. Maintain the GSO website and social media, ensuring the accuracy of its content;
  7. The duties of the Event Coordinator shall be to:
    1. Organize and host events and activities to promote community among all GSO members
    2. Maintain records of event expenses for budgetary purposes
  8. The duties of the MFA Representative,

To be determined by incoming representative in conversation with the MFA program head.

  1. The duties of the MATESOL Representative
    1. To be determined by incoming representative in conversation with the MATESOL program head.


Section 4 – Eligibility for Office

  1. Any registered English graduate student is eligible to hold office in the GSO, with the following restrictions:
    1. Pre-exam committee positions may only be filled by graduate students who have not yet taken their PhD exams or are not scheduled to take their exams until the Spring term of the current academic year.
    2. Post-exam committee positions may only be filled by graduate students who have either successfully passed their PhD exams or are scheduled to take them by the end of Winter term of the current academic year.
  2. Should an open position be available, and the only interested party does not fulfill the pre-/post-exam requirement, the GSO may elect to fill from interested parties regardless of exam status.

Section 5 – Term of Officer Committee Members

  1. The term of office for all Officer Committee members shall end and begin on October 30th of each year.

Section 6 – Succession

  1. The Officer Committee shall have the authority to appoint a member of the GSO to fill any office that becomes vacant. If the Officer Committee chooses, an election may be held by e-mail to fill the vacant positions.


Article VI – Elections

Section 1 – Nominations

  1. The Officers shall issue a department-wide call for nominations for all Officer Committee positions no later than the seventh (7th) calendar day from the start of the Autumn term.
    1. Both self-nominations and third-party nominations shall be accepted.
    2. Nominees suggested by a third party will be contacted by the Comms Officer or Officer-at-Large to verify the prospective candidate’s willingness to serve.
  2. Nominations must be received no later than the tenth (10th) calendar day from the start of the Autumn term.
  3. The list of candidates shall be published to the department by the twelfth (12th) calendar day from the start of the Autumn term.
  4. If a candidate is unopposed, they shall transition into office on the fifteenth (15th) of October.
  5. In the period between the fifteenth (15th) and the thirtieth (30th) of October, newly elected GSO officers shall communicate with outgoing officers about duties and current projects.


Section 2 – Election Procedures

  1. In the instance of a contested position, an election shall be held via electronic means (either by e-mail or another method deemed appropriate by Officers-at-Large).
    1. This vote should be declared to coincide with the publication of the candidates according to Article VI, Section 1C.
    2. A simple majority of votes cast will decide the election.
    3. In the event of a tie, a new election for that position shall be called and which must be held within seven (7) days.


Article VII – Meetings

Section 1 – Meeting Frequency

  1. Regular business meetings shall be at least bi-monthly.
  2. A meeting between the Officers, the DGS, and Dept Chair shall occur at least once per term.

Section 2 – Quorum

  1. No official business may be transacted without a quorum present.
  2. A quorum consists of two-thirds of the voting members, rounded down.

Section 3 – Minutes

  1. Minutes shall be kept for all business meetings of the GSO.
  2. Minutes shall be made available to any graduate student represented by the GSO upon request.

Article VIII – Constitutional Amendments

Section 1 – Amendments

  1. Proposed amendments to the GSO Constitution shall be reviewed by the Officer Committee and approved by a simple majority vote.
  2. After approval by the Officer Committee, the Comms/Officers-at-large will call a referendum of the graduate students to approve the amendments.
    1. The referendum will be conducted electronically via whatever means the Officers Committee deem appropriate.
  3. Notification of the amendment referendum shall be given at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the vote.
  4. Amendments to the constitution must be approved by 60% of the votes cast to take effect.