Instructor Spotlights

  • An Interview with New EWP Director Stephanie Kerschbaum
    By Alycia Gilbert, Stephanie Kerschbaum How does your research or teaching philosophy influence your approach to directing UW’s Expository Writing Program? One track of my research centers on thinking about the ways that disability materializes or takes shape through everyday interactions. In this work I think a lot about how… Continue Reading Instructor Spotlights
  • Instructor Spotlight: Anselma Prihandita
    Name: Anselma Widha Prihandita
    Courses Taught: ENGL 131, ENGL 109/110
    Pedagogical Touchstones: Critical Pedagogy ; Encouraging sensitivity and critical attitude to power relations, especially so that marginalized students can explain their discomforts in ways other than “it’s my fault,” as they’ve often been trained to do ; bell hooks’ “education as the practice of freedom”
    Favorite Course Themes: Autoethnography…
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