Untitled Vignettes (Soundscapes of Loss) takes the listener on an interdimensional journey through University of Washington’s Medicinal Herb Garden, tracing the footsteps of the social movements taking place on the other side of the Pacific Ocean that rebel against social injustices and endeavor for a better Taiwan where Ya-Lun calls home.

Untitled Vignettes (Soundscapes of Loss) is a sensory experience that delves into her encounter with those social movements from the distance of diaspora. Through an exploration of reality, virtuality, imagination, and memories, this walk interweaves spontaneous reflection with history, personal recollection, music, cinematic soundtracks, and local soundscapes. It also ponders upon notions of loss and possession using photographic images as portals to layer the present and the past, the close-by and the afar. Untitled Vignettes (Soundscapes of Loss) turns the virtual encounter initially mediated by the cyberspace into an auratic experience that can be touched, seen, smelled, tasted, and listened to—something with a temperature that the listener can feel, both physically and emotionally, within the natural surroundings of the Medicinal Herb Garden.

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