December 8, 2022
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June 13, 2019
Photos at EQG2019
Here is a link to photos taken in June 2019 by Steve Arnold and others
May 24, 2019
2019 Lecture/Exercise 5.2
Lecture/Exercise 5.3 → Applying all of this to your data Marguerite Butler, Brian O’Meara, Samantha Price, Josef Uyeda, Steve Arnold, and Joe Felsenstein This session consisted of small group discussions about individual topics chosen by the participants, about methods applicable to their data.
2019 Lecture/Exercise 5.1
Lecture/Exercise 5.2 → Phylogenetic natural history: uniting data-driven and hypothesis testing frameworks Josef Uyeda Lecture projections Format: PPT, PDF, DPS Audio recording Lecture5-1.WMA Lecture5-1.mp3
2019 Lecture/Exercise 4.6
Lecture/Exercise 5.1 → Making sense of your output: assessing confidence in model selection and parameters Marguerite Butler Lecture projections Some thoughts on development and limitations on applying the OU models, and some recommendations on how to interpret results. Projections: Testing Adaptation with Evolutionary Models Massive Simulation Take Aways Exercise materials OU_bimac_parametricBootstrap.R Audio recording…
2019 Lecture/Exercise 4.5
Lecture/Exercise 4.6 → Measurement error, identifiability, and model adequacy Brian O’Meara Lecture projections Presentation: PDF and Powerpoint Exercise materials You may need to install the following packages: install.packages(c(“OUwie”, “plyr”, “knitr”, “ggplot2”, “rmarkdown”)) MeasurementError.Rmd You can create the object using the knit button in an Rstudio window or rmarkdown::render(“MeasurementError.Rmd”) in R. Audio recording Lecture4-5.WMA Lecture4-5.mp3…
2019 Lecture 4.4
Lecture/Exercise 4.5 → Accounting for sexual radiation with coevolutionary models & OUwie Stevan J. Arnold Lecture projections PDF PPT Reading Arnold & Houck 2016 Arnold & Houck 2016 Suppl Figs Audio recording Lecture4-4.WMA Lecture4-4.mp3
2019 Lecture/Exercise 4.3
Lecture 4.4 → Usefulness of Brownian or OU simulation Samantha Price Lecture projections UsefulnessofSimulation.pdf Exercise materials You will need this: SimulationExercise.pdf You may need these: examplesimulations.R parrotfishtree.nex parrotfishmorphology.txt parrotfishecology.txt marsupialdiettree.nex marsupialdietmass.txt ouwiebootoutput.txt Audio recording Lecture4-3.WMA Lecture4-3.mp3
2019 Lecture/Exercise 4.2
Lecture/Exercise 4.3 → Morphometrics and phylogenies Joe Felsenstein Lecture projection Lecture4-2.pdf Audio recording Lecture4-2.WMA Lecture4-2.mp3
2019 Lecture/Exercise 4.1
Lecture/Exercise 4.2 → Long-term and short-term evolution Josef Uyeda Lecture projections DPS PPT PDF Audio recording Lecture4-1.WMA Lecture4-1.mp3
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