Happy Holidays from UW Film Club

Happy Holidays to all our Husky Cinephiles out there!

We’ll be back on January 10th (Room TBD) to kick off winter quarter, but until then, we just want to say thank you all for making these last eleven weeks truly amazing! From Games of Film Club to the Sadie screening to The Star Wars Holiday Special, we loved every second of it and are eager for more!

In the meantime, stay tuned to our social media pages (Facebook | Instagram | Twitter) as we’ll be posting screenings to attend on break, new reviews on our site, plus fresh episodes of the podcast will still go up every Monday on Apple PodcastsSoundcloud, and now Spotify, including three timely holiday episodes!

Once again, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you all! Have a great break, happy holidays, and see you all January 10th!