UW Film Club Podcast #12 – Batman Returns

“Listen to the podcast. High fiber.” On our first of three Holiday episodes, former club president Jamie Housen guest stars to talk about Tim Burton’s 1992 superhero classic: Batman Returns! When the superhero genre was still in its infancy, Burton made two Batman films that set the stage for the genre we know today. In this episode, we talk about how this film compares to modern superhero films, the terrific performances from an all star cast, and why Gotham let three deranged individuals dressed up like animals run a muck in their city. Get in the holiday spirit with our 12th episode of the UW Film Club Podcast now!

On this week’s episode: Jamie Housen, Louie Ghalib, and Greg Arietta.

You can find us on Facebook at /UWFilmClub, and on Twitter and Instagram @FilmClubUW.  Make sure to rate, comment, and subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts and Soundcloud, and tune in every Monday for a new episode of the UW Film Club Podcast!