UW Film Club Podcast #18: Top Ten of 2018 Special

We’re mixing it up this week on the pod with a Best of 2018 Special! Join Jim, Cynthia, Greg, and Louie as they break down their top ten favorite films of last year and engage in a lively discussion about the films that captivated them like no else. Full of hot takes and surprise choices, this extended episode won’t be one you want to miss!

On this week’s episode: Jim Saunders, Cynthia Li, Louie Ghalib, and Greg Arietta.

You can find us on Facebook at /UWFilmClub, and on Twitter and Instagram @FilmClubUW.  Make sure to rate, comment, and subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts,  Soundcloud, Spotify, and Google Play, and tune in every Monday for a new episode of the UW Film Club Podcast!