Sarah Kelley’s Top 10 Films of 2023

2023 felt like the year that movies were finally BACK. After several years of COVID delays, moviegoers finally got a full year of uninterrupted cinematic releases. And genuinely most of these releases were incredible feats of cinema and storytelling. Emphasis on most, as there definitely were some stinkers. 

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Alex Olson’s Top 10 Films of 2023

It’s 2023, and movies are finally back. Hollywood has at last reached the point where the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are barely felt, and the ensuing bounty of film has resulted in one of the best years for the movies in recent memory. This was the year of the Barbenheimer craze that occupied our collective consciousness over the summer months, the year of features ranging from the nostalgic and personal to the unsettling, the harrowing, and the deeply, fantastically odd.

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Alexis Caplan’s Top 10 Films of 2023

I find that these past two years have been integral to my growing appreciation of cinema and what it has to offer in its emotional aspects. My top ten films of 2023 consist of movies that have crushed my spirit, inspired me, and disgusted me. These movies are special not just for this, but also for their visual appeal, expertly crafted screenplays, and impeccable direction. They are, in my opinion, some of the best that cinema has to offer this year and ones that have stayed in my mind long after leaving the theater. Before I get into this, I should mention a few films I loved for various reasons that did not make this list.  

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Drew Favors’ Top 10 Films of 2022

It’s easy to say that 2022 was the greatest comeback year for films since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and even a few years before it. Films that have been in “development hell” for years, or passion projects that have slipped by various studio goalies, have emerged to create a nostalgic cinematic experience that I have yearned for but have not been able to experience in so long.

With the cinema landscape having been open to the public continuously over the past year, Hollywood, and some more silent heavy hitters, have emerged to bring beautiful films both internationally and domestically. Since the release of films this year has been so broad, I would like to start off with a few honorable mentions that didn’t quite make the Top 10 cut, but rightfully deserve recognition for their stellar achievements in filmmaking. Keep in mind, these mentions will be brief.

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Sarah Kelley’s Top 10 Films of 2022

2022 was the greatest year for cinema since COVID, and that has a lot to do with the fact theaters stayed open the full 12 months. Despite worries from top theater chains, it seems that a few years of at-home streaming has not led to the downfall of the classic cinema experience. I mean, Avatar: The Way of Water made $2 billion worldwide, people are clearly still spending money on movie tickets.

For the first full year of releases uninterrupted by shutdowns, Hollywood delivered. Many long-awaited sequels came out this year, as well as some unexpected original gems. Once again, seeing the Oscar nominations list only serves as a reminder to how much I missed, but I really tried this year. Between my newfound appreciation for indie and arthouse cinema, and my Regal Unlimited subscription, I swear 2023 will be the year I finally see a majority of the new releases. But for now, here’s 10 of the movies I did manage to see last year, and thoroughly enjoy. 

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Malia Callier’s Top 10 Films of 2022

Looking back at the past year, it’s safe to say that the cinema experience has changed for me. After spending the pandemic sitting on the couch watching movies from the comfort of my own home, it was a breath of fresh air to be able to be able to sit in a movie theater again and watch films on the big screen. It takes a lot to get oneself out of the death scroll of their phone, but here are what I thought were the best films of 2022 that were able to demand my attention and keep it entirely. While I accept criticism, I do not accept slander. So just as a warning, the trainwreck Jurassic World, Plane, and that Fantastic Beast movie with no actually notable fantastic beasts won’t even touch this list.

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Spencer Malmberg’s Top 10 Films of 2022

2022 was certainly a year for cinema, there were a lot of movies that came out, both in theaters and digitally through streaming services with a lot of really good films, and a lot of really bad films. Notable flops include the works of Marvel’s 4th Thor attempt and the weird inclusion of Morbius into the Sony catalog that no one was asking for. Also, worth noting the thousands of awful low budget romcoms on streaming services where the only claim to fame is the fact that they got an old Disney Channel teen to be in a movie where they make sex jokes. Also, Jurassic World was bad. 

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Brenna Robinson’s Top 10 Films of 2022

I’m not sure I’m qualified to declare whether or not it’s been a “good year” for film. Like everyone else, I spent the first two years of the pandemic watching movies in my bedroom, so to have an entire year that felt almost normal– the theaters opening again, delayed projects finally getting released— is enough for me to count 2022 as a massive win. The fact that some of the new releases from this year have made their way onto my list of all-time favorites certainly doesn’t hurt either. 

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