UW Film Club Podcast #74: The Royal Tenebaums

“I always wanted to be a Tenebaum podcaster!”

To attempt to finish off Cynthia’s quest of trying to figure out Wes Anderson, we are ending our Wes Anderson trilogy with a look into ‘Royal Tenebaums’! Continue reading “UW Film Club Podcast #74: The Royal Tenebaums”

Review: ‘Locked Down’ is the Best COVID Movie We Have So Far

Significant moments in history are always immortalized through film, and we can expect that to hold true for the COVID-19 pandemic, too. After the first stay-at-home order last March, American studios had to adapt quickly to keep pumping out content, and one tactic was incorporating COVID into the stories they were telling. COVID-era entertainment rapidly evolved from Zoom cast reunions and hastily filmed season finales to in-person productions that either show life as normal or haphazardly reflect the current times. Continue reading “Review: ‘Locked Down’ is the Best COVID Movie We Have So Far”