Payton Bissel’s Top Ten Films of 2019

This year was a crazy ride for film. Huge crowd pleasers like Avengers: Endgame were released and cinema giants like Scorsese and Tarantino dropped passion projects (The Irishman and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.) While I sadly missed some of my most anticipated movies of the year, being The Lighthouse and Parasite, circumstance did not bring me to see them in the year they were released. This list will be what I have seen this year, not what I believe to truly be the best films of 2019.

10. Shazam! (David Sanberg, 2019)

DC, after a long period of disappointment, took 2019 to show that they can produce something of quality given enough time. In the great sea of superhero movies, Shazam! cements itself for me as one of the higher quality fims in the genre. Superheos being at its core a genre for children and young adults, having a hero that is a child makes it more entertaining and connectable. It is far from high cinema, but it blew my low expectations out of the water.

You can read Aleks Jovcic’s full review of Shazam! here.

9. Dark Waters (Todd Haynes, 2019)

I was surprised at how invested I was in this tale of an insider attorney facing the system that he protects. The film has a lot of heart, and Ruffalo delivers a great performance of his character. Not much to discuss but I enjoyed it.

You can read Luccas Pryor’s full review of Dark Waters here.

8. Avengers: Endgame (Russo Brothers, 2019)

Wow, this was an event. I’m not exaggerating when I say that I have waited for this for a decade. I have been a Marvel fan since Iron Man and seeing it accumulate into this cultural phenomenon is something else. While I prefer Infinity War a bit more, this is still undeniably one of the biggest movie events since the original Star Wars trilogy. As a film, it is lacking. It is still corporate Marvel movie, but this is the peak of what corporate Marvel movie can be.

You can read Greg Arietta’s full review of Avengers: Endgame here and listen to UW Film Club’s podcast on Avengers: Endgame here.

7. Jojo Rabbit (Taika Waititi, 2019)

Taika Waititi is quickly rising to become one of my favorite people in the movie business. This film only cemented his place in my mind even more. He is a master of the New Zealand comedy I fell in love with when watching Flight of the Conchords. Jojo Rabbit is exactly the kind film I wanted from Waititi. He did not disappoint in the least. Great acting and an overall entertaining experience.

You can read Ajay Rawat’s full review of Jojo Rabbit here and listen to UW Film Club’s podcast on Jojo Rabbit here.

6. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (Quentin Tarantino, 2019)

While it is my least favorite Tarantino movie to date, I cannot deny the beauty of this film. I don’t have the nostalgia from the time period or the emotional connection to the tragedy that occurred in that time, but I do understand how this is a perfect way to reminisce and emotionally heal. The craftsmanship behind the movie is amazing, and the acting is superb, especially Brad Pitt’s. While overshadowed by its comrades in Tarantino’s filmography, it is a strong film nevertheless.

You can read Jim Saunders’ full review of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood here and listen to UW Film Club’s podcast on Once Upon a Time in Hollywood here.

5. Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus (Jhonen Vasquez, 2019)

As a huge fan of the series as a kid, seeing this return to glory made me so happy. I could feel the film leaking with love and care for the series and it showed. I couldn’t see a movie/finale for the series being any better.

4. Waves (Trey Edwards Schults, 2019)

At first, I really didn’t think much of this film, but the more it sat with me the more I appreciated it. The film really is an epic told in the most personal way. It stays close to its characters and lets their emotional journeys play out in a deep and compelling way.

You can read Rohan Patel’s full review of Waves here.

3. Midsommar (Ari Aster, 2019)

The person I watched this movie with puked from the psychological torment. This film is an attack on the psyche and I absolutely adore it. A great horror film and an amazing film about relationships, with amazing set design and score it is an experience to say the least.

You can read Cynthia Li’s full review of Midsommar here and listen to UW Film Club’s podcast on Midsommar here.

2. The Irishman (Martin Scorsese, 2019)

This movie was three and a half hours well spent. As someone who has not been completely immersed in the gangster genre, it does not hit home that much for me, but I completely feel the impact of the story and everything that happens in the life of the Irishman. A solemn yet humorous experience that is a true slow burn but is worth every single second.

You can read Ryan Circelli’s full review of The Irishman here.

1. Joker (Todd Phillips, 2019)

I was blown away by this film. I never had faith in this project and I am still blown away by how much I love this movie. I see it as an amazing homage to Taxi Driver, while doing its absolute best with the Joker and Batman IP. It is the perfect blend. I see the passion in the project and the artistry explode from the scenes as the movie plays. I love it. I won’t say it is without flaws, but I am continuously disappointed how the magic is overlooked by audiences. I am exited to look back at this film in a few years and see if it gets any more appreciation, or if it pulls in any Oscars.

You can read Cynthia Li’s full review of Joker here and listen to UW Film Club’s podcast on Joker here.

Review: ‘Dark Waters’ is a Stirring and Often Infuriating Story

“I’m still here.”

Todd Haynes, mostly known for his striking art films, including one of the decade’s best, Carol, is remarkably restrained and in focus directing his new film Dark Waters. The elegant artistry that has defined his long and shockingly unprolific career is hardly detectable in the environmental thriller. Yet, the film, based on a true story, nonetheless offers a stirring and often infuriating story of the cyclical and corporate greed that affected West Virginia’s employees, neighbors, and even the world at large. The story centers around Cincinnati lawyer Rob Billot (Mark Ruffalo), a simple man who specializes in defending the very type of companies he eventually fights. When a West Virginia farmer, Wilbur Tennant (Bill Camp), brings evidence to Billot that shows a local DuPont plant is poisoning his herd of cattle, Rob battles the various conflicts in his life – his firm, his family, and his career as a result of taking the farmer’s case. The case, however, proves to be exponentially more complex and far-reaching than he initially thought.

Sometimes through it – and other times despite it – the conventionality of Dark Waters lets open a frequently stirring and meticulous story filled with all of the tropes of a strong narrative like this – obsession, corporate greed, socioeconomic grievances, home strife, and more. Hayne’s subdued touch most often shines in his attempts to de-Hollywoodize the film. Mark Ruffalo carries a bad haircut and a slouching, almost hunchback form. Anne Hathaway, the overt wrinkles of time showing in each scene, moves back and forth between frustration and empathy, with jealousy as the mediator. And Bill Camp, the film’s real star, let’s loose his broken southern accent and big bushy eyebrows as the film’s central metaphor – the everyday hard-working good guys always finish last. It is in Hayne’s systematic approach where the film ultimately succeeds. Rob’s painstaking detective work shows through complete detail, whether through methodical enactments of chemistry, public health, and regulatory law, that eventually, the personal price he pays in his decades-long battle against corporate stonewalling and delays is representative of the continuous fight we all suffer against our own personal Goliath.

This is less a story about Daniel winning than it is about Daniel persevering. Other underrated elements include Edward Lachman’s textured and gritty cinematography or even Tim Robbins and Bill Pullman as veteran attorneys who bring terrific character actor work that weigh the film down to its roots. But the film’s real intentions seem to show during after the final reel, highlighting the various cameos of the real people who suffered in this story, Tennant’s real-life brother among them. Even when the second half often strains for attention (you have seen this story 100 times before), Haynes elevates a typical job of a director-for-hire into another sturdy addition in the “you knew” genre.

3.5/5 STARS