UW Film Club Podcast #59 – Jojo Rabbit

“You’re not a podcaster, Jojo. You’re a ten year old kid who likes movies and wants to be a part of a club.”

Taika Waititi’s newest film, Jojo Rabbit, is an “anti-hate satire” taking the film world by storm! It won the People’s Choice Award at TIFF and already has a copious amount of Oscar buzz, so what better time to start talking about the film! In this podcast, we talk about Waititi’s comedic sensibilities, the film’s memorable characters, and its sensitivity in approaching the subject matter. Be the rabbit, and listen to the 59th episode of the UW Film Club Podcast now!

On this episode: Jim Saunders and Ajay Rawat

Ajay’s Review: http://students.washington.edu/film/2019/11/04/review-jojo-rabbit-is-an-emotional-roller-coaster/

You can find us on Facebook at /UWFilmClub, and on Twitter and Instagram @FilmClubUW. Make sure to rate, comment, and subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Spotify, and Google Play, and tune in every Monday for a new episode of the UW Film Club Podcast!

UW Film Club Podcast #48 – Ready or Not

“I can’t believe that in half an hour I will be a part of the Le Domas podcast dynasty, empire?

Uh, dominion, we prefer dominion.”

Whether we’re ready for it or not, the Autumn 2019 quarter is almost here. Fortunately though, there’s still time to sit down and talk about one of the biggest surprise hits of the summer, and, dare I say it, the year: Ready or Not! With a smart script that features an uncommonly well-achieved blend of dark comedy and exciting thrills, it is (in our opinion) one of the coolest movies to close this summer out with. Are you ready to hear what else we think about this surprising gem? Then listen to the 48th episode of the UW Film Club Podcast now!

On this episode: Jim Saunders and Zachary Anderson.

You can find us on Facebook at /UWFilmClub, and on Twitter and Instagram @FilmClubUW. Make sure to rate, comment, and subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Spotify, and Google Play, and tune in every Monday for a new episode of the UW Film Club Podcast!