Review: ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Provides a Proper Sendoff to Earth’s Mightiest Heroes

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A year ago, I said Avenger: Infinity War was a glass half full situation. The two and a half hour behemoth predicated itself on a bevy of superficial consequences that had yet to be realized in part because characters who had “died” were inevitably going to get a sequel, but more importantly it was the first half of a two parter. 

But now we’re here. We’ve reached the end. The Endgame, and after 21 films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this is the culmination of an eleven year project that promised to bring Earth’s mightiest heroes — and then some — together to take on the mad titan. The fact that we arrived here, the twenty second film in a superhero franchise, and audiences still come in droves to their releases is pretty remarkable.

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UW Film Club Podcast #16: Arrival

“Well, the cornerstone of civilization isn’t language, it’s podcasting.” Join us this week on the pod as we discuss Denis Villeneuve’s break out hit: ARRIVAL. Staring Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner, this science fiction film follows a linguistics professor trying to understand an alien race and learn the purpose of their arrival before global tensions boil over. Selected by Cynthia Li, we talk about this film’s success in the science fiction genre, the newfound appreciation upon on rewatch, and the underlying social & political message that roots itself in today’s landscape. See how many times we get off topic in Episode 16 of the UW Film Club Podcast!

On this week’s episode: Cynthia Li, Louie Ghalib, and Greg Arietta.

You can find us on Facebook at /UWFilmClub, and on Twitter and Instagram @FilmClubUW.  Make sure to rate, comment, and subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts,  Soundcloud, Spotify, and Google Play, and tune in every Monday for a new episode of the UW Film Club Podcast!