Review: ‘Free Guy’ is 2021’s Most Fun Film Yet, But it’s Close to Being a Cautionary Tale

Free Guy, the newest film from director Shawn Levy, is the first of its kind: a movie about video games that runs on video game logic, unlike the others that blend games into reality. Starring Ryan Reynolds as a NPC (for the non-gamers here, that’s “non-player character”) in an open-world video game akin to Grand Theft Auto, this sci-fi action comedy runs on references, and feels like a combination of Ready Player One, The Lego Movie, They Live, and The Truman Show all at once. It’s a digitally aware love story, where Guy meets Girl, Guy falls for Girl, and finally, Guy discovers that reality is a lie and God is a troll. Yet despite this implied disparity, the film holds itself together throughout it all. It’s a very entertaining comedy about video games (and a whole lot of other stuff) that, unlike so many blockbusters of the moment, does not collapse under the weight pop-culture references and forget to make actual jokes.

Continue reading “Review: ‘Free Guy’ is 2021’s Most Fun Film Yet, But it’s Close to Being a Cautionary Tale”

Review: ‘Spree’ is a Hilarious Yet Horrifying Character Study

Content Warning: This review discusses some topics that might be triggering to some audiences. Read at your own discretion.

The world of social media influencers vying for clicks, looks, retweets, and fans is a sick one, and that’s never been more apparent than it is now, during the COVID-19 pandemic. People are stuck inside their homes, and anyone with even the smallest bit of celebrity status is desperate for attention, scrambling to create content with quantifiable impact. Continue reading “Review: ‘Spree’ is a Hilarious Yet Horrifying Character Study”