Review: ‘The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special’ Brings Home the Bacon

Tacking the words “Holiday Special” onto the end of a beloved franchise is guaranteed to raise some eyebrows regarding a film’s artistic integrity, but, thankfully, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special has the mind of James Gunn working in its favor. It’s become abundantly clear over the past few years that Gunn is perhaps the most passionate filmmaker within the superhero movie circle, carrying a love for his misfit characters that makes all of his projects stand out amongst the never-ending output of superhero media in pop culture. So, when James Gunn wants to do an idea as inherently stupid as a Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, he’s earned enough goodwill to convince audiences that the story serves some kind of purpose beyond profit. Although, granted, the project certainly wouldn’t have been greenlit if “Christmas Tree Groot” merchandise didn’t sell itself.

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Review: ‘Gunpowder Milkshake’ Serves Up a Copycat Meal

Netflix’s newest action-comedy-thriller-John Wick knockoff known as Gunpowder Milkshake can best be described like this: what if that one female-superheroes-assemble scene from Avengers: Endgame was expanded into a full 90-minute-long movie, starring one of the actors from that specific scene, incorporating plenty of A24-style lighting and featuring a cute kid for good measure? The simplicity and superficiality of this kind of “girlboss” energy is the fuel that drives this unnuanced, ungraceful, often uninteresting film. While there are brief delights and satisfying action sequences, numbness sets in like you’re actually drinking a milkshake.

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Review: ‘The Call of the Wild’ is a Refreshingly Pleasant Movie for 2020

The Call of the Wild is the first movie to be released by the newly minted ‘20th Century Studios’, fresh off of their Disney Acquisition, and it’s a lot better than most people thought. It is directed by Chris Sanders, his first live-action work after a career of animation (Lilo & Stitch, How to Train Your Dragon). Continue reading “Review: ‘The Call of the Wild’ is a Refreshingly Pleasant Movie for 2020”

Review: ‘Jumanji: The Next Level’ is a Pleasant Surprise

Jumanji: The Next Level is another entry into the updated Jumanji series, from board game to video game, that seems to print money for Sony for some reason. It stars Jack Black, Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Karen Gillen, Nick Jonas, and newcomer Awkwafina to lead the audience through another Jumanji adventure. The 2017 film Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is, unfortunately, not one I can say I enjoyed. I found it to be a middling reboot to a long-forgotten franchise. Its sequel, however, in a surprise to myself, I can confidently say I enjoyed. While by no means is it this a masterpiece, it does surprisingly enthuse me for the future of the franchise as the film ends on a rather tantalizing cliffhanger.

Writer and director Jake Kasdan, coming back as director and taking over as writer, injects much-needed levity into a sequel whose predecessor felt excessively drab. While the body-swapping gag fell flat on its face last time, I found myself enjoying it as the writing this time around is far superior. It knows not to take itself seriously and really dials it up to eleven. The additions of Danny Devito and Danny Glover are welcome and provide numerous laughs as watching the other actors try and pretend to be them is a real treat. The ensemble dynamic flowed far better this time around, likely due to the writing shakeup. While last time the plot felt aimless, meandering far too much like the video game it was trying to portray, The Next Level has a strong sense of direction for both its characters and overall story. Even when it’s hamfisted and a bit cringey, it’s far more preferable to the nothingness of its predecessor.

It is important to note that while it is an improvement upon the last installment, that does not necessarily make all elements good. Both the plot and character arcs are recycled classics, and while they are appreciated after the absences in the last movie, that does not make them any less predictable here. The villain is about as generic as they come, although still well acted by Game of Thrones alum Rory McCann, lacks interesting motives or backstory. Despite the film feeling tired and generic, it doesn’t detract too much from the experience as the emphasis of the film is clearly on the relationships between our lead characters. Said interactions are well sold by the on-screen chemistry of the cast, powering the film through to the credits.

With fun, new concepts and a killer cast, Jumanji: The Next Level has enough charm to stand on its own as a piece of new cinema. While not anything to stop the presses about, this is an enjoyable experience that proves it is worthy of yet another sequel, one that is teased to take it back to the franchise roots.

3.5/5 STARS

Review: ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Provides a Proper Sendoff to Earth’s Mightiest Heroes

Everything below is spoiler free!

A year ago, I said Avenger: Infinity War was a glass half full situation. The two and a half hour behemoth predicated itself on a bevy of superficial consequences that had yet to be realized in part because characters who had “died” were inevitably going to get a sequel, but more importantly it was the first half of a two parter. 

But now we’re here. We’ve reached the end. The Endgame, and after 21 films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this is the culmination of an eleven year project that promised to bring Earth’s mightiest heroes — and then some — together to take on the mad titan. The fact that we arrived here, the twenty second film in a superhero franchise, and audiences still come in droves to their releases is pretty remarkable.

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