Stephanie Chuang’s Top Ten Films of 2021

2021 was a year that began in strict lockdown and ended in cautious reopening. Films that were meant to be released in 2020 and subsequently delayed reluctantly opened this year to much less pomp and circumstance once it became clear that we were in the pandemic for the long haul. For me, this year saw my return to school, and also my return to theaters. I was delighted to be able to see films with my friends on the big screen again, many of which I had been looking forward to for over a year. After the disappointment that was 2020, it’s undeniable that 2021 was an improvement both in film and overall.

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Rohan Patel’s Top 10 Films of 2021

A year of recovery? As I close the chapter of 2021, I look back to about this time last year with some pessimism. As the news of a vaccine broke, surely, I hoped, the theatrical experience I loved would return with a glorious triumph. But with vaccination skepticism and new variants came yet another glimpse at the possible future of cinema. One where, as of this writing, 6/10 projected best picture nominees had a wide release via a streaming platform. In a year stacked with old 2020 and scheduled 2021 releases, what happened that caused major films from major filmmakers with major actors, like The Last Duel and West Side Story, to bomb at the box office? It may be that the traditional 40-65-year-old demographics that go to the movies felt unsafe in a dark, enclosed space during a raging pandemic. It may be that people are generally willing to wait longer for cheaper prices of VOD. It may just be people don’t hold movies at the center of their pop-culture diet anymore.


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