I’m still trying to get past the bad habit of writing off a film before I even watch it, so I don’t know if I can say if 2021 was a good or bad year for film. But what I do know is that it was a year filled with anticipation, many of which paid off for me and some of which made me realize I’d liked the wait better. Thank you delayed releases! I also escaped the bubble of streaming from my bed this year, and watched more movies in more different theatres than I have before, which was a fantastic experience. I can’t say if it 2021 was a good year or a bad year for film, but I can say that I enjoyed my time there. So, out of all the ones I got around to, here are my top ten of 2021. Continue reading “Jonathan Shu’s Top 10 Films of 2021”
Cynthia Li’s Top 10 Films of 2020
Like every corporate ad that has played over the last year in the pandemic, I can tell you how much the year 2020 sucked. Also, like every corporate ad, I can make some false statement that the world will get better after these “unprecedented times” and the power of films will be a step in helping ease the pain of these “unprecedented times.” I rather not. Continue reading “Cynthia Li’s Top 10 Films of 2020”
Rohan Patel’s Top 10 Films of 2020
2020 is undoubtedly the strangest and most twisted year that I have lived through. Granted, I am 21 years old, but it is important to remember that theaters shut their doors in order to prevent our pandemic from taking more lives than it already has. As a result, many of my most anticipated films including Dune, The French Dispatch, Last Night in Soho, and all Marvel films have been pushed to 2021. However, that did not dissuade me from pursuing my goal of seeing more new releases this year compared to the previous (which I am humbly able to claim I achieved!) Continue reading “Rohan Patel’s Top 10 Films of 2020”
Stephanie Chuang’s Top 10 Films of 2020
It’s no secret 2020 has been an absolute mess of a year. In addition to a pandemic, the election, racial inequality, and much more, the movie industry was decimated. Films were delayed, then delayed again, then postponed or released on streaming services. Disappointment after disappointment followed each and every announcement bearing bad news. The movies I largely spent time watching were mostly from streaming services, and I must admit that most of what I watched were not your typical top tier worthy films. Continue reading “Stephanie Chuang’s Top 10 Films of 2020”
Maddie McDougall’s Top Ten Films of 2020
2020 was a crazy year, to say the least. Ostensibly, one of the only good things to come being stuck inside for months at a time was the abundance of time that was given to us to watch movies. While we may have been bummed about the rescheduling of films such as Dune and The French Dispatch (2021 will be the year of Timothée Chalamet), it is secretly a blessing in disguise. Continue reading “Maddie McDougall’s Top Ten Films of 2020”
Joe Lollo’s Top Ten Films of 2020
It goes without saying that 2020 was a crazy year for all sorts of things, and this includes movies – due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the closing of theatres and rise of streaming meant there were limited options for people to make and watch new movies if they didn’t have the apt resources. The last time I made a top 10 list, last year, was much easier than it was this year. While part of it is because there weren’t many releases at all, part of it was because a lot of the movies I watched that came out this year were really good. Of the 2020 releases I’ve seen, I would say that my top 20 are all great films that I will be ready to defend in a heartbeat. It was really hard to put only ten films on my list this year, so before we get into those, I think it would be best to quickly talk about those 10 that just barely made the cut.