Review: ‘Vitalina Varela’ is the Best and Most Challenging Film of the Year So Far

Vitalina Varela is playing online at Northwest Film Forum from March 27th to April 10th.

Art-house cinema has its fair share of auteurs who prefer to pace their films with great patience, be it Bela Tarr, or Terrence Malick, or Andrei Tarkovsky, or any other of the long list of names of who fit this particular bill. It is a facet that can allow such a director to delve deeper into whatever it is they have honed their focus upon, or even further activate the subconscious throughout the viewing, that is if the audience has the patience themselves. Portuguese filmmaker Pedro Costa — director of new film Vitalina Varela — is undoubtedly one of these directors. Continue reading “Review: ‘Vitalina Varela’ is the Best and Most Challenging Film of the Year So Far”