Joe Lollo’s Top Ten Films of 2020

It goes without saying that 2020 was a crazy year for all sorts of things, and this includes movies – due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the closing of theatres and rise of streaming meant there were limited options for people to make and watch new movies if they didn’t have the apt resources. The last time I made a top 10 list, last year, was much easier than it was this year. While part of it is because there weren’t many releases at all, part of it was because a lot of the movies I watched that came out this year were really good. Of the 2020 releases I’ve seen, I would say that my top 20 are all great films that I will be ready to defend in a heartbeat. It was really hard to put only ten films on my list this year, so before we get into those, I think it would be best to quickly talk about those 10 that just barely made the cut.

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Review: ‘The Half of It’ Is One “Whole” Of A Love Story

The Half of It is the latest in a series of straight-to-Netflix coming-of-age films. However, it has something that the rest of these films often lack: it’s genuinely good. The Half of It is Alice Wu’s sophomore directorial outing, and winner of The Founders Award for Best U.S. Narrative Feature at the Tribeca Film Festival. It follows a Cyrano de Bergerac-esque tale, set in a fictional small town in the Pacific Northwest. Continue reading “Review: ‘The Half of It’ Is One “Whole” Of A Love Story”