Retrospective: Tsai Ming-liang: The Art of Isolation

Tsai Ming-liang makes movies that so perfectly speak to our modern day communal, lived experiences; yet the three films I’m going to be talking about were made in times ranging from the early 90s to early 2000s.  This just speaks to the power of his work, since it can still be so relevant to our lives, yet it was made before I was even born.  Tsai Ming-liang is a Malaysian-Taiwanese filmmaker who is considered one of the best “second new wave” directors in Taiwanese cinema.  He has made many films but the three I’m covering are The Hole, Goodby Dragon Inn, and Rebels of the Neon God.  I immediately became infatuated with his work from the latter of the films mentioned above and couldn’t stop watching his work after that.  Thematically all three of these films really tie together and provide a beautiful look into the world we live in by encouraging the audience to take time to analyze the world around them in order to better live within it. 

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