UW Film Club Podcast #62 – The Wolf of Wall Street

“Let me tell you something. There’s no nobility in podcasting.”

Happy New Year, Huskies! We hope you had a relaxing winter break and are ready to kick things back in gear this quarter. But despite the stress and dread that comes along with the start of winter quarter, also comes the start of awards season! Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman, though earning 5 nominations, was completely shut out of the Golden Globes. Whether that means a shut out from the Oscars remains to be seen, but in the meantime, we’ve decided to talk about another one of Scorsese’s recent gems – The Wolf of Wall Street! In this podcast, we discuss the film’s genius structure, debate whether or not it endorses the actions of Jordan Belfort, and Jim gives his hot takes on Scorsese and (in an unrelated note) the best Star Wars film. Let me give you some legal advice: listen to the 62nd episode of the UW Film Club Podcast now!

On this episode: Jim Saunders and Nick Sandoval

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