Review: ‘Sonic the Hedgehog 2’ Speeds Back Into Video Game Movie Royalty

Just like the superhero movie and the reboot, video game movies are undoubtedly one of the biggest blockbuster seat-fillers of newer cinema. But video game movies aren’t yet as highly recognized as superhero films or remakes because, the video game adaptation sub-genre has a horrible track record with critical and audiences reviews. The vast majority of these movies rarely reach a 50% score on Rotten Tomatoes, with anything at around a 70%, or a C grade, being seen as a better adaptation. Last month we saw Uncharted, another video game adaptation, and it proved to us yet again that studios sure love throwing money in places and hoping to have it returned to them. The outliers of this genre usually don’t disappoint though, whether it is the animated Angry Birds 2, which weirdly surprised audiences, or Detective Pikachu, a live action adaptation that reminds us why those games should never go hyper-realistic. 

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Review: ‘Uncharted’ Proves That Video Game Movies Still Lack Originality

Video game movies have a decades-long reputation of being less than stellar, to put it nicely. For the most part, it is difficult to translate the active experience of playing a video game to the passive experience of watching a movie. In this way the new film Uncharted, based on the PlayStation game franchise of the same name, does its best to create an immersive experience for the viewer but ultimately sacrifices plot in favor of action sequences. 

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