Freshmen Study Abroad Rome

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I pay for the program?

If you are accepted to the program, UW Study Abroad will send you a payment contract. You are only financially obligated to pay program fees once you have submitted the payment contract. UW Study Abroad will charge your tuition account for the program fees and they will be due at the same time as autumn quarter tuition. We use this date so that you can utilize any financial aid you may be already receiving.

Do I still need to go to an Advising and Orientation session during the summer?

Yes! All new students must go through an A&O session to become better acquainted with the University and to be able to register for classes.

How do I register for program course: English 281?

UW Study Abroad will enroll your for the study abroad program using the placeholder course FSTDY 300. This course will be counted towards your autumn quarter credit load. Once autumn quarter is over and your grades have been submitted to UWSA by the program directors, FSTDY 300 will drop off your account and be replaced with ENGL 281. You must have completed all of your pre-departure requirements in order to be registered for FSTDY 300.

Does English 281 count towards my general education requirements?

Yes! English 281 counts for the English Composition Requirement – meaning it’s something you are going to have to take at some point anyway. You will have completed this requirement in your first quarter at UW! Go you!

What if I need to withdraw?

If you have signed a payment contract, 5% of the total program fee and the UW Study Abroad Fee are non-refundable once you have been accepted and submitted a contract. Students withdrawing from a program are responsible for paying a percentage of the program fee depending on the date of withdrawal. More details about the withdrawal policy will be included in your payment contract. No part of the program fee is refundable once the program has begun. The date of withdrawal is considered the business day a withdrawal application is received by UW Study Abroad. Notice of withdrawal from the program must be made in writing by completing the following steps:

  1. Provide notice in writing to the program director that you will no longer be participating in the program.
  2. Submit a withdrawal application to UW Study Abroad.

Visit the Withdrawals section of the UW Study Abroad website for more information.

How will I get to Rome?

You will make your own flight accommodations to travel to and from Rome. Visit the Travel page for more information and to potentially connect with other program participants to travel together.

Can I fly to/from Rome, Italy early or stay after the program?

Yes. However, these plans will not be coordinated by the program. Please note you will need to be back in Seattle the week before school starts to participate in Move-In and Dawg Daze Welcome Week programming.

Where will I sleep?

Housing will be provided for the entire trip in apartments or dorms with fellow students. Program staff will live nearby. Visit the Housing page for more information.

Will there be vegetarian meal options?

Yes there will be vegetarian options at every meal. Other dietary restrictions will need to be communicated with program staff.

How will the credits count?

The credits will be applied to your autumn quarter schedule. Students will have to finish the class during Autumn Quarter, but will not have to attend a regular class schedule, but they will have several writing projects to finish during the quarter based on their time in Rome. There will be a few small group meetings. A full class load is 12-18 credits. A student can take up to 18 credits in the fall and then add on the 5 credits without a tuition penalty. For example, a student could have a lighter load and take two 5 credit classes (10 credits) in fall adding plus the 5 credit English which will result in 15 credits earned for the quarter, or they can take three 5 credit classes and then add on the English for 20 credits earned fall quarter.

What if I want to rush a sorority?

This study abroad conflicts with sorority rush. However, women can participate in Continuous Open Bidding (COB) throughout the academic year if they are unable or do not prefer to participate in Primary Recruitment in September.  COB is open to any chapter who is below Panhellenic total, set to median chapter size, and they are able to recruit up to that number.  This means that space is limited and not all chapters will be participating each quarter but is still a great way to join the Panhellenic community.  Women who are interested are able to indicate their interest on the COB list on the Panhellenic website, This goes out to the chapter to let them know that women are interested in being contacted.  Women are also able in COB to contact the chapters directly.  The contact information for participating chapters will also appear on the Panhellenic website.