Graduate Funding Information Service

About GFIS

The Graduate Funding Information Service (GFIS) works with  currently enrolled and newly admitted University of Washington graduate students, helping them identify and locate funding opportunities for graduate education-related expenses, including tuition, research, and travel.

Students can schedule individual appointments or request information by email. Students can also visit GFIS’ publicly available Guide to Finding Graduate Funding to learn about the types of funding available, application timelines, search tools, and search strategies. GFIS also hosts virtual quarterly workshops and works with UW departments to design discipline-specific workshops and resources for their graduate students. Recordings of past workshops and events are available on this page.

Use the menu on the right to view current and recurring opportunities for students.

Winter Quarter 2025 Drop In Hours:

(Jan 7–Mar 13) Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00—3:00pm drop-in for quick help at the Consultation Studio in the Research Commons, located on the Ground Floor of Allen Library South.