March 13, 2018
UW Population Health Graduate Student Conference Travel Awards
Application Deadline: April 25, 2018
The University of Washington’s Population Health Initiative is offering Graduate Student Conference Travel Awards of up to $1,500 to further students’ academic, research, or professional goals as they strive to become the next generation of leaders in population health.
These awards are open to graduate students on all three campuses who:
- Are currently enrolled in a graduate degree program.
- Have been accepted to present a population health-related paper, poster, or exhibit, or to serve as an invited speaker, at a conference, symposium, or other professional and academic meeting. Students in the arts may request funding for invited performances or installations.
The Initiative views population health as a broad concept encompassing not only the elimination of diseases and injuries, but also the intersecting and overlapping factors that influence health. These influencing factors include the environment, education, mobility, policy and governance, poverty, racism, infrastructure, access to technology, urban planning and many more.
In order to apply, an applicant must be nominated by a faculty member. Once nominated, applicants will receive an email with a link to their portion of the application.
For complete information about this opportunity, including how to apply, click here.