Graduate Funding Information Service

January 21, 2020

American Chemical Society Women Chemists Committee/Eli Lilly Travel Award

Application Deadline: March 1, 2020, for meetings between July 1 and December 31, 2020

The American Chemical Society (ACS) Women Chemists Committee (WCC) and Eli Lilly and Company sponsor a program to provide funding for undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral female chemists to travel to meetings to present the results of their research. Through this program, WCC and Eli Lilly and Company continue to increase the participation of women in the chemical sciences.

Awards are made on the basis of scientific merit and financial need. Funds may be applied only for registration, travel, and accommodations, and are restricted to travel to meetings within the United States. Grant funds are limited, but there are some funds designated for undergraduates. In additional to financial support, the award provides networking opportunities for recipients who attend an ACS national meeting.


Applications should be limited to one per research group. Awards will be given with preference to the following order:

  1. Any applicant who will be making her first presentation (regardless of format) at a national or major meeting.
  2. Graduate or postdoctoral applicants who have not presented at a national or major meeting since completing their undergraduate degree.

Only US citizens and permanent residents are eligible. Those who have received a prior award under this program are ineligible.

For more information about this opportunity, including how to apply, click here.