Graduate Funding Information Service

March 2, 2022

Doi Doctoral Student Research Fund for UW College of Education Dissertations

Application Deadline: April 1, 2022,11:59 p.m. Pacific Time

  • PhD students in the UW College of Education
  • To help with unusual dissertation costs

Former Dean James Doi established the Doi Research Fund to help defray unusual costs associated with the completion of especially worthy doctoral student dissertations in the College of Education. It was the intent of Dean Doi to help with “unusual” costs not typical of most dissertations.

Examples of unusual costs include:

  • Mailing costs associated with an extensive survey;
  • Professional transcription* of extensive interviews;
  • Short-term licensing of software that’s not otherwise available at the UW for student use;
  • Leasing or purchasing unusual equipment that’s not otherwise available at the UW for student check-out and use; or
  • Gift cards offered as incentive for interview or focus group participation.

No present limits are placed on the potential amount of an award, but limits on the resources provided by the fund established by Dean Doi and the anticipated number of awards each year usually result in individual awards of a few hundred dollars, rather than thousands of dollars.  A student may request an award of any amount, but the final award might be for some smaller amount.  Students are asked to request support only for activities or items that cannot be adequately supported through other means.

Click here for additional information about this award, including the funding application. (UW NetID required).