Graduate Funding Information Service

March 21, 2022

SPSSI Social Issues Dissertation Award

Application Deadline: May 1, 2022

  • For dissertations on social issues in psychology or related social sciences
  • Dissertations must have been defended and accepted by the deadline
  • One prize of $1,000 and one prize of $500 awarded annually

The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) is an organization of social scientists that has historically brought research to bear on a wide array of societal problems. The SPSSI is proud to announce the Social Issues Dissertation Award, established to encourage excellence in socially relevant research. A first prize of $1000 and a second prize of $500 will be awarded to the dissertations that best demonstrate scientific excellence and potential application to social problems.

Click here for more information about this opportunity, including how to apply.