Graduate Funding Information Service

December 6, 2023

Teaching Assistant Winter 2024- PHRMCY 531 Pharmacotherapeutics

Application Deadline: Until filled

Position: Graduate Student Teaching Assistant (TA)
Department: Pharmacy
FTE: 50% FTE or 20 hours per week (220 hours per quarter)
Academic Quarter(s): Winter 2024
Appointment Dates: 12/16/23 to 3/15/24
This course belongs to the Pharmacotherapeutics course series (7 courses) and is offered to students in the Doctor of Pharmacy program. It is the first course in a 7-course series providing a foundation in knowledge for patient-centered clinical case management, including introductory pharmacotherapeutics, over-the-counter medications and self-care. The course meets in Winter quarter on Thursdays from 2:30 – 4:20pm and on Fridays from 2:30 – 4:20pm. SLN: 19119. The coursemaster for this course is Professor Mary Hebert of the Department of Pharmacy.

TA Responsibilities:
– Support Dr. Hebert in organizing course material, setting up course website on UW Canvas, managing recordings
– Support Dr. Hebert with class-wide communication, including responding to general student inquiries
– Assist with grading
– Attend weekly office hours (when applicable)
– Attend scheduled course sessions
– Proctoring exams as needed

Requirements: Current Masters or PhD student with good communication skills. Preferred – Health Sciences Graduate student or with a PharmD degree.

Salary: Salary is commensurate with academic standing, qualifications, and experience. Includes tuition waiver, a monthly stipend, and GAIP Health Insurance. This job classification is governed by a negotiated labor contract and is subject to union provisions. For more information, please review the UAW Academic Student Employees (ASEs) contract

How to Apply: Send curriculum vitae or résumé to Prof. Mary Hebert with a brief statement of why you are interested and what you would bring to the position.

Application inquiries may be made with: Prof. Mary Hebert