
Emergency Management

July 16, 2018

Husky Habits | #19 – Develop a Family Emergency Plan

If disaster were to strike, would you and your family be ready? Many of us Huskies have disaster and/or business continuity plans here at the UW, but making a family emergency plan is a very important step in increasing disaster resiliency too. Take time to meet with your family or those you live with to…

June 20, 2018

Husky Habits | #15 – Learn Your Hazards

It’s easy to let disaster preparedness remain out of sight and out of mind. However, there are many hazards which could greatly affect our campus, and it’s important to be ready. Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, fires, extreme heat, and severe storms, as well as human-induced hazards, including terrorism, active shooters, HAZMAT incidents, and communicable…

January 25, 2018

Whole U Seminar: Earthquake Preparedness

Preparation is power — UW Seismic Resilience Program manager Stacie Louviere will lead an emergency preparedness seminar Feb. 15, 2018. Preparing for emergencies is a good business practice. Many of us don’t like to think about what can go wrong, but having basic response skills and an understanding of possible risks can help alleviate many fears we…