Dr. Meghan Halabisky


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Peer reviewed

Kissel, A., Halabisky, M., Scherer R., Ryan, M., Hansen E. In Review. Reconstructing wetland data from satellite imagery provides novel methods for answering fundamental ecological questions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

Endo, Y., Halabisky M., Moskal, L.M., Koshimura S. 2020. Wetland Surface Water Detection from SAR Images using Multi-Angle/Temporal Gaussian Process Regression. Remote Sensing 12(11):1756

Halabisky, M., Babcock, C., Moskal, L.M., 2018. Harnessing the Temporal Dimension to Improve Object-Based Image Analysis Classification of Wetlands. Remote Sensing 10(9):1467

Halabisky, M. , Moskal, L. M., Gillespie, A., Hannam M., 2016. Reconstructing semi-arid wetland surface water dynamics through spectral mixture analysis of a time series of Landsat satellite images (1984–2011). Remote Sensing of the Environment. 177: 171-183

Lee, S-Y., Hamlet, A.F, Ryan, M., Palen, W., Halabisky, M. 2015. Projecting the hydrologic impacts of climate change on montane wetlands PLOS ONE 10(9): E0136385

Styers, D., Moskal L.M., Richardson J., Halabisky, M. 2014. Evaluation of the contribution of LiDAR data and postclassification procedures to object-based classification accuracy. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing

Halabisky, M., Hannam M., Long L.A., Vondrasek C., Moskal L.M., 2013. The Sharper Image: Hyperspatial Remote Sensing of Wetlands, Wetland Science and Practice 30 (2), 12-31

Torrubia, S., McRae, B. , Lawler, J., Hall, S.A., Halabisky M., Langdon, J. Case: M., 2014 Getting the most connectivity per conservation dollar. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11/2014; 12(9):491–497.

Halabisky, M., Moskal, L. M., Hall, S. A. 2011. Object-based classification of semi-arid wetlands, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 5(05351)

Moskal, L.M., Styers, D. M., Halabisky, M. 2011. Monitoring urban forest canopies using object-based image analysis and public domain remotely sensed data. Remote Sensing. Special Issue on Urban Remote Sensing, 3 (10); 2243-2262. 


Selected non-peer reviewed reports


Halabisky, M., 2019. Improved Wetland Identification for Conservation and Regulatory Priorities. Final Report to Department of Ecology. EPA Grant Number CD01J09401

Hall S., Halabisky, M., Lee, S-Y. 2018. Climate vulnerability assessment and restoration prioritization for meadows in the Confederated Tribes of the Yakama Nation. Report to the Confederated Tribes of the Yakama Nation.

Halabisky M., Lee, S-Y, Hall, S., Rule, M., Moskal, L.M. 2017. Can we conserve wetlands under a changing climate? Mapping wetland hydrology across an ecoregion and developing climate adaptation recommendations.  2017.  Report to Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative.

Halabisky M., 2011. Spatial analysis of recreational impacts in Mt. Rainier National Park. 2010 Report to US National Park Service

Halabisky, M., Moskal, L.M. 2009. Spatiotemporal Monitoring of Arid Wetlands, Report to The Nature Conservancy.