Summer Students

2019 Summer Students

Three students joined the HAMM Lab during the summer of 2019 to gain research experience under the mentorship of research scientists, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate students. Isela Garcia, Bryah Martin, and Luis Ruiz were supported by the UW GenOM ALVA Program, the STEMPREP Project, and the UW STAR Program, respectively.

Isela Garcia presented her poster at the 2019 Summer STEM Research Poster Session. Isela is photographed with Kristi Kooiker and Mike Regnier.

Bryah Martin gave a talk at the 2019 STEMPREP Project Presentations.

Luis Ruiz presented his poster at the 2019 STAR Poster Session and the 2019 Summer STEM Research Poster Session. Luis is photographed with An-yue Tu and Kristi Kooiker.