Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center

April 18, 2019

Andrew N. Meltzoff, PhD

Andrew N. Meltzoff, PhD


Additional Titles: Co-Director
Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences (I-LABS)
Research Interests: Sensorimotor coordination, cross-modal perception, memory, cognition
Work Summary: Andrew Meltzoff, PhD, is an internationally renowned expert on infant and child development. His discoveries about infant imitation have revolutionized our understanding of early perception, cognition, and brain development. His research on social-emotional development and children’s understanding of other people has helped shape policy and practice. Dr. Meltzoff’s 25 years of research on young children has had far-reaching implications for cognitive science, especially for ideas about cross-modal perception and its development; for brain science, especially for ideas about common coding and shared neural circuits for perception and action; and for early education and parenting, particularly for ideas about the importance of role models, both adults and peers, in child development and critical periods in human learning.
Links: Faculty Profile