Computer Accounts

Before you can access Har­borviews computer applications, you will need to set up two network computer accounts. The UW NetID account provides access to University of Washington tools (such as online training), and the UW Med­i­cine (AMC) account provides access to the Medical Center tools and applications. Please note that the email for these accounts should not be for­warded to your per­sonal email account.

To set up your UW NetID account

If you have never been affiliated with the Uni­ver­sity of Washington, Har­borview Medical Center, or UW Medical Center:

  1. Go to
  2. Select 2nd option, “I have a UW NetID but no password.”
  3. Select 2nd option, “UW Medical Centers Personnel” and then click next.
  4. Proceed as instructed.

If you have pre­vi­ously been a stu­dent, employee, or volunteer at the University of Washington, Har­borview Med­ical Cen­ter, or UW Med­ical Cen­ter but do not remem­ber your UW NetID password:

  1. Go to
  2. Select “I already have a UW NetID”.
  3. On the next screen, select “I know my UW NetID, but for­got my password.”
  4. The next screen pro­vides pass­word reset instruc­tions for alumni, for­mer staff, and other groups. If you are not able to reset your pass­word online, call the UW Tech­nol­ogy helpdesk at (206) 543-7012.

If you need help set­ting up your UW NetID account, please con­tact the UW Tech­nol­ogy helpdesk at (206) 543-7012 or

To set up a UW Med­i­cine (AMC) account

  1. Go to and use your UW NetID and password to login.
  2. On the left side click on ‘Accounts’, under UW Medicine Account’ click on “Change Your UW Med­i­cine Pass­word”.
  3. Con­firm your iden­tity and then fol­low the instruc­tions listed to estab­lish your UW Med­i­cine pass­word. You may find it eas­i­est to use the same pass­word for your UW NetID and UW Med­i­cine accounts.

If you need help set­ting up your UW Med­i­cine account, please con­tact the IT Ser­vices helpdesk at (206) 543‑7012 or

Email For­ward­ing to Another Email Account

While you are a healthcare provider  on the cam­pus of Harborview Medical Center, you are con­sid­ered part of the UWwork­force. In order to keep patient infor­ma­tion secure, as a worker you are not allowed to have your email for­ward from a UW account to a per­sonal account. See these instruc­tions for more infor­ma­tion on how to stop email for­ward­ing.

HMC Traveler Coordinator
(206) 744-6514