Required Training

This section contains information on how to access Harborview’s online Learning Management System (LMS). All contracted healthcare providers are required to review and complete all the assigned modules.

1.HMC Core Com­pe­ten­cies

HMC Core Competencies training consists of six modules:

    1. Mission & Patients are First
    2. Culture Awareness
    3. Patient Safety
    4. Environment of Care
    5. Infection Prevention

2.Fraud Awareness/ Corporate Compliance & HIPAA Compliance

  1. HIPAA/Fraud Awareness/Corporate Compliance training can now be found in our Learning Management System.
  2. To log get to LMS please follow this link:
  3. You will be asked to login with your NET Id and password

For tech­ni­cal sup­port, con­tact the UW Med­i­cine ITS Help Desk at 206–543-7012 (24-hour ser­vice) or via e-mail at

3.Other assigned modules and quizzes


HMC Traveler Coordinator

(206) 744-4079