See Mt. Bachelor Observatory research data
The Mount Bachelor Observatory (MBO) is located on the summit of Mt. Bachelor and is run with the cooperation of the Mt. Bachelor Ski Area.
An isolated volcanic peak with a summit at 2.8 km asl, Mt. Bachelor is a choice location for an atmospheric observatory. In operation since 2004, MBO is an ideal natural laboratory to measure chemical species such as ozone (O3), particulate matter (PM), mercury, carbon monoxide and dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, metals and volatile organic compounds and to study phenomena such as air pollutants transported from Asia and wildfires in the western United States. Data from MBO have been used by the EPA, the National Academy of Sciences, other agencies and scientists at dozens of universities.
Using data from MBO, our group has published numerous papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals. For example, between 2010–2014, we published 28 papers based on our MBO research.
Click here to see the publications using MBO data.
Click here to see the full list of our publications.
Latitude: 43.979 N
Longitude: 121.687 W
Elevation: 9065 ft a.s.l. (2.8 km)
Mt. Bachelor Observatory photos