The TARE Research Lab aims to constantly provide educational research opportunities to global thinkers in a supportive environment that creates a diverse and rewarding research experience.

In the TARE Lab, we welcome all individuals, regardless of race, ethnicity, age, sex, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, physical ability, economic status, or cultural background. We are committed to maintaining an inclusive culture by utilizing equitable hiring practices, increasing self-awareness by confronting personal biases, and educating ourselves on other ways in which we can ensure that everyone feels valued in our space.

Our group is also focused on supporting historically marginalized groups within academia and research. Dr. Robinson has continually supported programs aimed at K-12 students, undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows in order to combat the institutional hierarchy that exists within academia. Dr. Robinson also founded the Graduate Women and Allies Network (GWAN) at the University of Kansas, which sought to increase retention and improve outcomes for female-identifying graduate students within the field of engineering. Excitingly, 75% percent of GWAN members felt that the program offered increased support for both women and people of color, and we look forward to expanding this program to the College of Engineering at the University of Washington. We are also planning on collaborating with the Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity’s Native American Advisory Board (NAAB) in order to form an endowed graduate student/postdoctoral fellowship program that specifically supports Native Americans and Alaskan Natives.

We believe that more comprehensive programs are needed to truly address the various institutional biases and issues that currently exist. This would include, but is not limited to: addressing personal and systemic racism, ageism, sexism, classism, ableism, xenophobia, transphobia, and homophobia.


A sign that says "we believe: science is real, women's rights are human rights, black lives matter, no person is illegal, love is love, and diversity makes us stronger"


Note: In accordance with our group’s values, we have made the TARE Lab website accessible according to guidelines under The Americans with Disabilities Act. For further help regarding website accessibility, please contact Sydney Lynch.