FOCUS: Financial Outcomes after Critical illness and Understanding Stressors
Funded by:
National Institutes of Health: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
FOCUS is a survey-based research study on financial hardship experienced by critically ill patients and their families. FOCUS builds upon what we learned from the Financial Worries and Health Study (FWHS) about financial stress.
This study recruits patients who receive intensive care in the hospital and their family caregivers. Patients and family caregivers are recruited from the University of Washington and University of Pennsylvania health systems. Participants are followed for 12 months and asked to complete four surveys measuring financial hardship and other aspects of health and well-being. Some patients, family caregivers, and health care workers are asked to participate in in-depth interviews about their experiences and perspectives.
The results of this study will help us create tools to reduce financial hardship for future patients and their families.
Please contact the FOCUS Research Coordinator with any questions: Clare Pytel