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36th-Annual Justus F. Lehmann Symposium

Emerging Technologies in Rehabilitation

June 2, 2022 | 8 AM – 1 PM | Via Zoom

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Keynote Speaker

Michael Boninger, MD
Professor, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
University of Pittsburgh

Title:  The Hype the Hope of Assistive Technology

Description:  This talk explores two very different assistive technologies meant to assist individuals with deficits in movement. One technology, the wheelchair, is arguably the most important technology clinicians can offer individuals with mobility impairment. However, wheelchairs need significant improvement. The second technology, brain computer interfaces, hold great promise for the future but are not clinically available. The balance between hype and hope offered by these two technologies will be discussed in the broader context of assistive technology research and a patient story.

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Course Objectives

  • Be able to evaluate potential effectiveness of a rehab device from a motor learning standpoint and how robotic devices may be tailored to specific patient needs.
  • Be able to appreciate capabilities of a modern smartphone as it relates to health sensing, and the tradeoffs to be weighed between accuracy and convenance in consumer health sensing solutions.
  • Be able to better understand components of a brain-computer interface, implications on wheelchair decision-making after spinal cord injury and the patient experience.
  • Be able to appreciate the role that cervical spinal networks play in the rehabilitation of walking after spinal cord injury and the implications on treatment approaches
  • Be able to understand what regenerative engineering is and its role in innovative rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injury and disease

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