Recent Publications

Nelson, L. K., Bogeberg, M., Cullen, A., Koehn, L. E., Strawn, A., & Levin, P. S. (2022). Perspectives on managing fisheries for community wellbeing in the face of climate change. Maritime Studies.

Fisher, M. C., Moore, S. K., Jardine, S. L., Watson, J. R., & Samhouri, J. F. (2021). Climate shock effects and mediation in fisheries. PNAS, 118(2).

Levin, P. S., Gray, S. A., Möllmann, C., & Stier, A. C. (2021). Perception and Conflict in Conservation: The Rashomon Effect. BioScience, 71(1), 64–72.

Messager, M. L., Ettinger, A. K., Murphy-Williams, M., & Levin, P. S. (2021). Fine-scale assessment of inequities in inland flood vulnerability. Applied Geography, 133.

Messager, M.L., Davies, I.P., & Levin, P.S. (2021). Low-cost biomonitoring and high-resolution, scalable models of urban metal pollution. Science of the Total Environment, 767. 

Messager, M.L., Davies, I.P., & Levin, P.S. (2021). Development and validation of in-situ and laboratory X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy methods for moss biomonitoring of metal pollution. MethodsX, 8.

Moore T., Gaynus C., Levin P.S., Meyer R. (2021). The Intersection of Forensic Techniques with Ecological Issues. In: Underkoffler S.C., Adams H.R. (eds) Wildlife Biodiversity Conservation. Springer, Cham.

Follow this link to Phil’s Google Scholar page to see his full list of publications

Klemtu SEAS Internship & Participatory Workshop (NCM16005)